Collection: Metro

Rugs with earthy Tones

Now that's a contrast fit to be called stylish! The exquisite combination of cool splashes of blue and brown and a cosy color scheme ensures that these rugs will enchant you with their skilful contrast of warm and cool and their varied selection of patterns and designs. Whether you prefer Moroccan-inspired shapes or geometric designs such as diamonds and honeycombs, this collection is sure to contain the right choice for any rug aficionado. The delicate color scheme consists mainly of warm shades of beige and brown, ensuring that the rugs will effortlessly blend into the look of your interiors.

At the same time, the blue accents quite literally provide a breath of fresh air – the ideal combination! If you typically steer clear of light-coloured rugs because you're worried about the effort involved in cleaning them, these high-quality short-pile rugs have another ace up their sleeves. They are woven entirely from polypropylene, a surprisingly robust all-rounder, which means that they are enormously durable and able to withstand almost anything you can throw at them. The resilient surface is also exceptionally easy to care for, and will retain its good loos for many years to come, even in highly frequented areas.

At the same time, the rugs have been tested in accordance with STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®, which guarantees that they are free from harmful substances – for total safety and peace of mind in your home.